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Lesson 6: Money Speaking Topic 2

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Read the following speaking part 3 questions and look up any words you don't know. I recommend for looking up new words.

Who do you think save more money, men or women?

If I had to guess, I’d say women. In my family, my wife is better at saving money and she’s always telling me we have to save money for retirement. She knows all the tricks for how to buy cheap groceries and how to get discounts on everything.

Of course, this might be a “mother thing”, not a “women thing”. If you go to the city centre, a lot of shops target women who like to binge shop on luxury items. That’s not say men don’t also have expensive hobbies like gaming or cars.

But if I had to choose, I think women are better savers because mothers are good savers.

Speak with me

In this video, I speak at a normal pace and I don't stop. Pause the video at the end a sentence and try to say it the way I say it.

Homework instructions

Here are six lessons that are designed to help you write and talk about economics.

This is a very important topic because most topics require economics vocabulary if you discuss them deeply enough.

Work through the lessons at your own pace! There's no rush... don't push yourself!

Lesson 1: Economics Vocabulary 1

Lesson 2: Economics Vocabulary 2

Lesson 3: Economics Vocabulary 3

Lesson 4: Economics Essay

Lesson 5; Money Speaking Topic 1

Lesson 6: Money Speaking Topic 2

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Homework instructions

Here are six lessons that are designed to help you write and talk about economics. This is a very important topic because most topics require economics vocabulary if you discuss them deeply enough. Wo

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